Friday, November 4, 2016

The Real Housewives of Morgantown, WV

Hi Everyone!
My name is Molly I recently got married to the love of my life and moved to a new city because that is what we do for love!  My husband’s name is Aaron and he is working on his PhD in organic chemistry at West Virginia University.  I am starting graduate school myself in January so it is extremely convenient our studies took us to the same place!  Since I do not start school for two months, I am just kinda hanging out until then.  I could get a job but I do not plan to work during school so until then I am housewife.
I am not cut out for this life. Word to the wise: Unless you have children or a job where you can work at home…don’t ever be a housewife!! Do not get me wrong…I do not mind doing the cooking and cleaning but that can only occupy so many hours a day.  Aaron leaves around 7am and comes home anywhere between 5-7pm at night.  He is very dedicated to his studies and lab work and I admire him for that and I want him to be successful, but that means I am alone most of the day in a new city with no friends.  I do not like being alone, not because I am afraid, but love to talk and share my thoughts.  I know I am driving my friends and family crazy with texts but I cannot help it. (It’s either drive them crazy or myself..)
What do I do to occupy my time during the day?  I am working on organizing our apartment with all our new wedding gifts (#blessed) and now I decided to start this blog!  I am using this to share my thoughts during this new journey.  I am loving marriage, but this new city is a bigger adjustment than I thought it would be.  I did not realize how many hours were in a day until I did not have a job or school to occupy 8ish of those hours.   I used to think the drama on those Real Housewives shows on BRAVO was put on for the cameras, but now I think some of it could be true…they are rich, have rich friends, don’t have to work…what else are they going to do to amuse themselves but cause drama with their friends.
Why title my blog “It’s Fine”?  Per my friends in college, that is my phrase.  No matter what was happening, I always said “it’s fine.”  One of them burnt the cookies? “It’s fine.”  Got a “C” on a test? “It’s Fine” No matter what happened, even if it was not according to plan, my answer always seems to be “It’s Fine.”  When you stop and think about things, there are only few things that can happen that would not be “fine”.  Things can always be worse, and no matter what, we are blessed and lucky!

So even though I am bored and lonely during the day, “It’s fine!”  I got a husband who loves me, a roof over my head, a God with a plan for me, and friends and family who are only one call away! Until next time…

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