Thursday, November 24, 2016

(Thank)Full Belly

So it is Thanksgiving and I hope everyone out there is spending quality time with their family.  I am as well because I wrote this blog post in advance!  I wanted to take this time and share a few things I am thankful for not only today, but every day of the year! (these are in no specific order, and in no way are the only things I am thankful for)
1.      My Husband:  I am thankful for Aaron every day and I know I do not say it enough.  There are days that I do not deserve his patience or his understanding.  He deals with me better than anyone else out there and he works to make me happy!  I am also super thankful that this thanksgiving is the first time I can call him my “husband.”
2.      My Family:  Not only my family but my new in-laws as well.  They have taken me in and made me feel right at home, even though I have known them for years now, I really do feel like a Honeycutt.  Both sides of the family came together and made our awesome wedding possible and for that, Aaron and I will always be thankful for.  I also love how my family accepts Aaron as one of their own and sometimes I wonder if they love him more than they love me.
3.      My Faith:  I am forever thankful I grew up in a family that taught me to love God and took me to church and showed me how to treat others. I am thankful for the religious freedom to practice my faith and that others can practice theirs too.  My faith and relationship with God has given me happiness and freed me from worries more times than I can say.  He has blessed my life in countless ways and I am thankful I can talk to Him anytime I need or want to.  I know He loves me and He loves you too and if you want to know how I know that, I’d be happy to share with you.
4.      My Friends:  I literally have some of the best friends in the world.  They are always there to make me laugh or talk about life with.  They will always be my support system and even though I do not talk to all of them every day, I know that we will remain close! I know I am not saying much about them now, but I plan on blogging about a few of them in the future!
5.      Graduate School:  I am thankful I have the opportunity to attend graduate school!  I worked really hard to get to this point and kept going even when it did not look like it was going to work out.  I know I have found the career field for me and I am so excited to start school in January so I learn all that I need to!  I am also thankful for my job in Charlotte because it gave me some invaluable experience and I had some awesome co-workers who were even better teachers.  When I found out I was accepted this summer it was one of the happiest moments of my life!
6.      Comfort:  This is a blanket term I am using.  I am thankful for a roof over my head, clothes to keep me warm, food on the table, and the fact that there are luxuries in my life that I forget I am blessed to have such as a cell phone or a car.  There are plenty of people out there who do not have these things and would have been lucky to eat a meal half the size we ate today. 
7.      This Blog:  Although I know it is not a super popular blog, I am thankful for my new found love of blogging!  I love that I can share my thoughts and experiences and a little bit of advice.  A few of you have told me you have been reading it and loved it and that is an awesome compliment.  So I am thankful for those of you who are reading, and even if I didn’t hear from you I would keep blogging because I think it is a lot of fun!

I know this is a pretty basic list of things to be thankful for, but they truly are some of the things I cherish most.  There are about a thousand other things I could write about but I just wanted to share these thoughts with you! So you are completely stuffed and passed out on the couch? “It’s Fine!”  This day only comes once a year so enjoy it! Happy Thanksgiving! Until next time…

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