Saturday, November 5, 2016

Clearance Sections: The Gateway Drug

Saturday and Sunday are my two favorite days of the week because that means Aaron is staying home and we get to spend more time together…except today when he told me he had to stop by the lab for a few hours…boo!
Let me tell you a little more about us!  He is from Monroe, NC and I am from Charleston, WV.  When I graduated high school, I wanted to go to a smaller school for college, so I did a little research and found Wingate University in Wingate, NC. Go Bulldogs! (It’s homecoming this weekend so I have to give a little shout out) This is where we met freshmen year.  I was invited over to his dorm by a few girls that lived in my hall because they were best friends with his roommate.  That night, we discovered we had chemistry together, Chem 101 that is!  We became fast friends and eventually decided to try being a little more! We were college sweethearts and rang in the New Year in 2015 with an engagement and got married last month! 
On today’s agenda was to drop stuff off at Goodwill and to go to Target to purchase a Christmas tree because the one I wanted is on sale through their Cartwheel app.  I cannot pass up a sale and I hate to pay full price for anything!  We decided to go inside Goodwill and poke around before heading to Target and I am glad we did!  We snagged a 7.5ft pre-lit Christmas tree for $7.99!! (It works too…I searched until I found an outlet to test it) Of course we still went to Target afterwards but I checked Christmas tree off the list!  Other people have marijuana or other drugs to get high off of, I have bargains!  Nothing makes me happier than saving money.  Not because I am super stingy, but why pay full price if you do not have to! I kinda feel like it is a paycheck from the universe.  I have been told finding things on sale is my super power.  You best believe that deal at Goodwill has put a smile on my face for the rest of the weekend!
So it is Saturday and I am spending a few hours alone, but “It’s Fine”! He will be back soon and I got a Christmas tree for under $10!! Until next time…

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